You42 Dev Diary – Sprint 41

During Sprint 41 we made some updates to the messenger and content cards, examined currency, and changed the appearance and structure of various elements.

Sprint 41 Feedback

Home Page


We streamlined the content cards and updated them to use a new algorithm for the reordering and population of content. We also added Twitch streams along with Radio.



Images now display in Lightbox as designed.



We finished creating the backend infrastructure for this feature. It needs to be future-proofed for use across multiple platforms. This section is currently populated with dummy data and styled with a submenu, header, and body copy.

Outstanding Issues

We need to make a decision on adding a “See More?” call to action. This can be placed in the headline and body copy or within a rollover tooltip.



The feature’s been integrated into the platform using Snoop Dogg as a reference. We’ve also created our document for scraping tools.

Outstanding Issues

We need to confirm whether users can skip to the next video. You42 might need an admin area that lets them delete corrupt videos and songs. This item will be added to the backlog for now.

There are still some bugs that occur when songs are played. The content does not load on desktop and mobile devices. Clicking Snoop Dogg causes the entire page to reload. We observed this occurring in our Staging and Beta test environments using Safari, Firefox, and Chrome Browsers.

We’ve removed the Glance panel from mobile along with the “Something Went Wrong” dialog.

The user’s ability to play ten videos at once has been removed. This was occurring on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome browsers.

Content needs to be hidden for artists with no tracks available since this causes the same ten default videos to be displayed.



We added a chat sidebar with new styling based on the prototype submitted. Two clicks take you to the dashboard. It defaults to the user’s messages first, then to their friends if none exist. The back button takes users back to their messages. These changes currently reside in Staging1.


Outstanding Issues

The styling of the link cards need adjustment based on the reference designs. The site favicon or images should be pulled in, not the defaults.


Outstanding Issues

We removed the ability to have Chat and Socialfeed open at the same time since the effect was visually overwhelming. Full-page chat needs to be hidden for now, and we’ll keep the dev kit for mobile.

Content Cards

Outstanding Issues

We need to remove the user’s ability to scroll too far to the right as this causes a margin to appear.

Next Steps

Link injection should be completed in two days. All top-level bugs need to be added to the backlog.

We need to rethink the design of our Twitch pages to incorporate any API information and attributes we have access to. The amount of Twitch, YouTube, and You42 content within the trending section may need adjusting.

Discussions need to happen around handling the Close button in chat. The final solution should be implemented throughout the site.

Our list of JIRA questions regarding See More, List View, and Twitch needs to be answered.

Check out our upcoming ICO or sign up for our Beta platform to get started now!

Any images or references to copyrighted materials are strictly for development and testing purposes. No copyright infringement is intended.

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