Sprint Highlights 1 – 39


Daniel, Alice, Ed



Sprint 1:

  • Implemented user login system with username, password, and key.
  • Enabled music playback via player.

Sprint 2:

  • Added ability to filter music.
  • Created detail pages for music albums including album artwork, artist name, track listing, and play button.
  • Added Hero Sliders to platform homepage.
  • Created divisional pages for music.

Sprint 3:

  • Revised user login journey.
  • Added tastemakers to homescreen.
  • Updated front-end styling of user profile.

Sprint 4:

  • Implemented a true backend music database to allow display, playback and queueing of database music.
  • Explicit ratings have been implemented into system, along with review, rate and comment features.
  • Created algorithms for tracking play counts, trending songs, new and You42 Top are working as well.
  • Added performance improvements and a cloud based system for public vs private storage.

Sprint 5:

  • Implemented SocialFeed features including ability to Post, Comment, and Set Privacy.
  • SocialFeed features a fixed navigation for scroll.
  • Users have the ability to upload Creations including full albums and single tracks. Future creations will include Videos and Elements.
  • Search includes both full and partial search states.
  • More icon “…” is currently working on Socialfeed posts, however does not indicate your post versus another user. This feature will be functional once the back-end is integrated.

Sprint 6:

  • Ability to friend and follow users (Still need to build ability to send / accept friend requests, currently automatically become friends) Friends takes precedence over following.
  • Video Discover dashboard created.
  • Made website secure – SSL (HTTPS).
  • Third party remixes is now hooked up for creations.
  • 2 dimensional categorization. Content cards work with the type (Movie, series, clips) and filter works with the genre. (Comedy, documentary, etc.)
  • Social – you can now post and it will show up for anyone following you.

Sprint 7:

  • Implemented Game Division – initial styling and functionality, content pulled in from Database.
  • Started working through You42 messenger, Tsys integration, and payments setup.

Sprint 8:

  • Implemented Profile ID, Sphere, and Discoveries.

Sprint 9:

  • Adding ability to log-in via Google/FB/Twitter, My You42 (My Videos, My Playlists, My Music), friends/follower live stats, page switch, ability to create page in manager, and ability to create, subscribe, remove, share playlists.
  • Fish explored Earbits music migration.
  • Set up ability to build playlists.
  • Enabled the ability to subscribe to playlists.

Sprint 10:

  • Included preparation for upload process, audio transcoding, ability to create page and switch user in mobile and desktop, ability to like and comment, ability to create playlists both public and private, subscribe to playlists, and search optimization.

Sprint 11:

  • Included upload process for music, audio encoding, migration of Earbits music, ability to upload avatar and header images, tidy up graphics, remove dummy copy, setup Google analytics, xp and coins, feedback capability (w/ error reference code) and beta.you42.com setup.
  • Privacy Policy and Terms have been added.
  • Hero sliders images, copy and cta are setup.
  • Coins and XP system in place. User starts with 500 coins. XP increases, coins decrease.
  • Upload process working for music only. Video and Series to come.

Sprint 12:

  • Ability to upload moments, and add moments to post. Moments are linked to your social feed.
  • Notifications have been implemented.
  • Badges. Uploaded all badges and can currently choose which badge shows.
  • Highest achieved badge automatically displayed.

Sprint 13:

  • Implemented user permission, ability to flag music, upload video, submit bugs, admin cms and curated radio stations.

Sprint 14:

  • Implemented new tastemaker design, new content card design, ability to upload gifs as moments, scrub playbar, manual reload for SocialFeed, video autoplay, bug fixes, usa text formatting, lightbox images on SocialFeed, back-to-top feature on SocialFeed, sphere friends avatars, ability to reorder playlists.

Sprint 15:

  • Implemented “at a glance” details, rss feed (words lite), stronger security, ability to comment/like/caption on moments, player pause/play icon switch, sound icon for playing content, upload explicit & non-explicit toggle for songs.

Sprint 16:

  • Implemented tagging ui, tag api setup, ability to share content on activity and social feed (audio, video, image, reviews, albums, games, playlists), filter and tagging design, filter reset and search, updated playbar design, ability to comment/like posts and reviews.

Sprint 17:

  • Implemented Tagging/Filtering system wrapped up, content cards updated based on users’ choices, updated designs – homepage, manager, details, playlists. You can now change your password.
  • Updated “At-a-Glance” panel, ability to like and share playlists, player styling.

Sprint 18:

  • Ability to tag content on upload, filter styling, search content using tagging system, videos from video elephant, upload/edit game content, updates to design in social feed and profile page, improvements to tagging users.

Sprint 19:

  • Overall bug fixes, styling, functionality & security. Reviews updated without page refresh, search for pages, game trailers/ screenshots now visible, filter fixed to top, image rotation/transparency, page load bugs, logo masking, text/icon refinement, general styling & bug fixes.
  • Have improved the way we are querying data which should make pages load faster.

Sprint 20:

  • Implemented filtering content, trending content displayed correctly, updated video elephant importing, only verified users can upload content to You42-Earbits users are automatically content creators, new content cards: games and news, changed order of content cards, trending/new for all content types with algorithms in place for all content types, editing/creating playlists done in single overlay rather than redirecting to new page, track numbers working correctly, new posts button on social feed, added datepicker throughout.

Sprint 21:

  • Created Global privacy settings for users, update at-a-glance panels to match new styling.
  • Started on notifications and settings pages that slide in and out when toggled.

Sprint 22:

  • Implemented making playlists taggable, ability to delete moments, ability to edit privacy on moments, freeform text search, genre tags from Earbits, ability to upload Gif and video.

Sprint 23:

  • Implemented mobile menu and mini playbar, search field, moment overlays, user lockup designs, search algorithms updated to account for free text search, text search persists across sessions, video & audio playback presented to MediaNet team, friend/fan activity displayed.

Sprint 24:

  • Implemented new glance panel designs, new details pages, standalone reviews, ability to share to Facebook & Twitter & Google, new filter designs, top tags tags ordered by popularity, moment overlay now has like and share, pages in user admin cms, ability to clear a search, general bug fixes and improvements.

Sprint 25:

  • Implemented new profile page designs, separate view for profiles, integrated media net, curate video collections, upload video as series and create channels, bug fixes and improvements.

Sprint 26:

  • Implemented Socialfeed side panels, moments mosaic styling, hit list items, notifications marked as read, ability to edit/delete reviews, reviews styling, my you42 links to profile.

Sprint 27:

  • Integrate videos (series/channels/shows), allowing users to reset their passwords, implemented an email confirmation, ability to review and discover video buckets, details glance for buckets, paved way for web sockets, addressed more feedback and hit list issues, general bug fixes.

Sprint 28:

  • Infrastructure, investigate Netflix & Saunter integration, white label investigation (work involved), demo solution for video, optimized database, rollbar as error tracking solution, enabled email providers, guidebox api added, cost per user for subscription models, friend activity matrix.

Sprint 29:

  • Implemented HTML5 games (iframe), coin link system, subscription model implementation ready, likeable content, Tastemaker content management, Guidebox API movies, hero images, improved speed and performance, buckets added to search engine and Saunter API.

Sprint 30:

  • Implemented payments, subscriptions for audio/video/media, coins history/balance visible in profile, extend security, MediaNet mpeg integration, edit/delete comments, edit/delete reviews, improve styling, extend error capturing, 404 page, bug fixes (settings, moments, tags, playlist edit).

Sprint 31:

  • Implemented Saunter investigation, ability to upload multiple videos, Propay solution investigation, paginate all list items in user profile, restyled Tastemakers, ability to like and comment on moments, close glance panels with browser back button and swipe on mobile, preparation for channel integration, reviewed payment providers including Propay, restyled hero sliders, created hero slider admin.

Sprint 32:

  • Implemented continued channel integration, creations restyle, improved artist radio, hyprMX adverts integrated, content card styling, home page styling, edit page options for channels, creations page restyle, creations pagination, hls MediaNet audio (security), internet video archive investigation, read/unread notifications styling, welcome slider text updated, browser fix for private mode, general bug fixes and improvements.

Sprint 33:

  • Implemented Web 3D/VR Video investigation, ability for user to suspend/delete account, ability for admin to suspend/delete user account, add video to channels during upload, add multiple videos to channels, drag and reorder feature for videos, radio glance panels, accept payments for coin bundles, ProPay integrated server, Color TV investigation, content card cache, and admin zero out coin feature.

Sprint 34:

  • Implemented feature pages, restyled navigation, restyled settings, restyled content cards, content hover effect (play, like, share), avatar hover (friend, fan), adverts, investigated chrome app, elasticsearch clicks for trending, and image lightbox.

Sprint 35:

  • Implemented – messenger for web, hero slider solution, suggested content cards, coin usage rules (15 sec play), pagination for reviews and creations, payments restyle, coin bundle restyle, and general snags and bugs.

Sprint 36:

  • Implemented improved pagination, extended MediaNet functionality to like/review/discover, MediaNet content cards, MediaNet trending, chrome app, notifications for like/comments, Twitch API, default avatars, CMS genre manager, lightbox for images, icon/font/styling updates, verification process during login, and general bug fixes.

Sprint 37:

  • Implemented posting from socialfeed tab, socialfeed tab on all pages, guidebox content in trending, upload terms for all creations, chat styling update, default user avatars, YouTube API, play icon on all videos, input text clears after posting, and radio default artist image.

Sprint 3:

  • Implemented display videos as playlist, user verification request, manage user verifications via CMS, CMS pagination, websockets integration, radio MediaNet recommendations, Twitch demo, share/like/discover Twitch content, features pages searchable, YouTube share/like/discover, minor improvements, fix to GIF issue, general bugs fixes.

Sprint 39:

  • Implemented ability to add emojis in posts, drag and drop function in Socialfeed, real-time data websockets, hover state on all content cards, ability to share content, remove video elephant, works consistently on all browsers, glance panels removed from mobile, and alexa integration as proof of concept.

Sprint 40:

  • Implemented standalone graphics, hover states on Tastemakers, Saunter running, restyled Socialfeed posts, added push notifications for chats, single curated playlist, cms for content cards, ability to tip users, and MediaNet performance.


  • See Sprint Dev Diaries from Foxtail (Sprint 40 to 53).

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