Sprint 61 implemented the preparation for Go Live, platform setup you42.com, qa/live/sandbox environments, styling edits, confidence tests with token service (Credit Packs, Promo Clicks), updates to codebase, updated privacy and terms, and general bug fixes.
Go Live
In preparation for Go Live, our team setup you42.com and live.you42.com with SSL certifications. Additionally the development team setup subdomains for our privacy and terms documents.
Outstanding Issues
During quality assurance testing our team noticed a 502 Bad Gateway error when attempting to access the privacy and terms documents. The issue was random and appeared to load properly after the user reloaded the page several times. We determined the issue to be a cache issue.
Styling Edits
In an effort to improve the overall user experience, our team updated styling, edited terminology, and hid unnecessary and/or incomplete features.
We updated terminology to include more universally understood terms, such as:
- Changing Moments to Media
- Changing Fans to Followers
- Changing Discoveries to Favorites
- Changing Creations to Content
- Changing XP to Levels
- Changing U Coin to Credits
- Changing My You42 to Profile
- Changing Manager to Pages
- Changing Adverts to Promos
We hide unnecessary and/or incomplete features including:
- Crowds
- Events
- Chat Packs
- Badges
- Personalized You42 Logo
Styling Edits included:
- Updated Default Cover images
- Changing Login background color
Outstanding Issues
Our team will continue to test the platform on multiple devices and browsers to verify responsiveness of platform and identify additional styling edits.
Outstanding Issues
The users profile edit section needs to be stylistically updated to match the site’s new dark theme. Design team will provide CSS styling to the development team to implement.
Suspended Users
Outstanding Issues
During QA testing our team noticed that previously suspended accounts are still showing within search.
Outstanding Issues
Users are unclear on how to delete pages. Expected result would allow a user to delete a page from the edit icon menu. Actual result reloads homepage when a user clicks edit page icon.
We also noticed that the “Delete Account” button is misleading as it deletes the page not the entire account. A potential solution discussed would be changing the “Delete Account” button to “Delete Page” button.
Contextual onboarding has been implemented in the platform for the homepage, profile setup, and uploading content (i.e. music, video).
Outstanding Issues
A styling issue was noted on one of the onboarding screens. The <strong> tag was visible as text and was not properly bolding the text.
General bugs from previous sprint were fixed, including:
- Expiring urls for media
- MetaMask plugin error
Outstanding Issues
During testing several bugs were found, including:
- 502 bad gateway error for subdomains
- Suspended profiles appearing in search
- Delete page edit icon reloads homepage
- Some link cards do not load hyperlink and reference image
Next Steps
Our team will prepare for the next sprint after completing our quality assurance testing and platform review.